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Pimcore Fähigkeiten

  • UI/UX Design
  • CI-HUB Connector

Marketplace Extensions

Brand Oriented sp. z o.o.

We are a consulting and technology partner. We provide integrated solutions in the area of sales and marketing to support decisions, optimize business processes and their automation. Together with the CI-HUB team we have developed a Pimcore integration with CI-HUB Connector (OpenSource), which allows the full use of CI-HUB with Pimcore DAM.
Brand Oriented sp. z o.o. kontaktieren


Brand Oriented sp. z o.o.
Okopowa 33/26
01-059 Warszawa
+48 605 099 509

Erfolgsgeschichten von Brand Oriented sp. z o.o.

Brand Oriented sp. z o.o. kontaktieren

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