Events & Webinars

We are regularly present at various physical and virtual events around the world. At the moment we are most active in Europe and the USA. We are looking forward to a personal meeting with you!

Discover the Pimcore Copilot

Watch On-Demand

Discover how the Pimcore Copilot can revolutionize your data management, boost efficiency, and accelerate your time to market with real-life cases.

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17 September 2024 | New York City, USA

Visit Pimcore at Shoptoberfest to experience how automation tools elevate ecommerce efficiency. Dive into a universe where AI and automation meet commerce and community!

Info & Tickets


Experience Day

10 Oktober 2024 | Stuttgart, Deutschland

Der Experience Day geht in die zweite Runde. Was erwartet euch? Eine einzigartige Mischung aus Kongress und Netzwerken mit anderen Entscheidern aus dem Mittelstand.

Info & Tickets

Pimcore Partner Galaxy

Explore cutting-edge Data and Digital Experience Management in the Pimcore Partner Galaxy. Connect with industry leaders and pioneers around the world at events, networking sessions, signature conferences, and enlightening webinars hosted by Pimcore Partners.

Richmond AI Business Forum

Gubbio, Italy | 3 - 5 July 2024

Meet Pimcore Strategic Partner GMDE at Italy's most sophistiacted AI Business Forum. Book an appointment and receive exclusive insights on how you can leverage your data management with the power of artificial intelligence. 

Schedule appointment


Uniting the community 

The Pimcore User Groups