6 Reasons Why Open Source Matters in eCommerce

As the choice between Open Source and SaaS based eCommerce continues to mystify businesses, Open Source enterprise digital commerce finds itself at a fascinating juncture. The robustness to power constant change that comes along with Open Source eCommerce has made it a front-runner in the realm of innovation, flexibility and customization. Whether it’s about providing delightful digital experiences or offering the ability to quickly adapt and respond to consumers' demands, Open Source eCommerce technology isn’t straitjacketed in any way.

“Attain limitless flexibility and innovation with Open Source digital commerce”
This whitepaper sheds lights on how open-source technology has become a force to reckon with when it comes to enterprise eCommerce, due to the following features:

  • Flexibility
  • Innovation
  • Customizability
  • Scalability
  • Open Code
  • Differentiation
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