Case Study: Arduino - Impression #1

Case Study: Migrating to Pimcore As The Main Source of Truth

Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. All Arduino boards are completely open-source, empowering users to build them independently. Over the years Arduino has been the brain of thousands of projects, from everyday objects to complex scientific instruments.

When we first got in touch with the customer it was clear that there were many different systems interacting with each other and that product data was scattered among them. It was clear from the beginning that having a unique destination for product information would've greatly reduced the complexity and allow for more freedom and easy of use.

Logo: Arduino
Logo: Sintra Consulting
Pimcore Gold Partner
  • Arduino
Verwendete Produkte



Have a unique source of truth to use for data distribution

As in many cases the first need of all was to find a way to have a unique source of truth. Data was scattered across many systems and they wanted to have a single destination for the product information. Also the pricing information and the images were on different systems and this didn't help them reduce the cost to manage the information. This was also critical when thinking about opening new channels where they'd sell the products.

Pimcore PIM+DAM as the main repository of information

By defining product fields together with the customer with the extreme ability to configure it we deployed a Pimcore platform with some extra integrations to allow communications with external systems and send the product data to different sales channels and prepare customized PDF for customers.


One source of truth, easier management of data

Finally there is a single source of truth for product information, when someone needs to fix a typo or add extra info everything can be done from the Pimcore interface.

Wesentliche Ergebnisse

Weniger Duplikate
Easier integrations with other systems: 100%
Simplified the data access for product information: 100%

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