Lactalis is the world’s leading dairy group, with 4 major brands - President, Galbani, Lactel, Parmalat, and local brands. Lactalis is #1 on cheeses, #3 on chilled dairy and #3 on drinking milk.
Lactalis wanted to create a product database for all products in the group, with reliable informations, from the factory to the customer. Information will be published to internal (ERP, WMS) and external (GDSN, LSP) information systems. PIM must be flexible enough to adapt to the changing regulations in the food industry.
Mio. Euro Umsatz
Main challenge for Lactalis was to remove obstacles to business development by creating and maintaining a Group product catalog - a new In addition, stakeholders will take responsibility for information entry and confidentiality. Also, elimination of double/triple entries and improvement of sharing of information were part of the project objectives. Due to Lactalis structure, PIM roll-out will be handled on a business division basis.
Thanks to Pimcore multi-domain capacities, it has been possible to define and manage all objects linked to a product : recipes, factories, packaging, and even advertising licences ! The customizable plateform allowed DATASOLUTION to create specific features (form generator, business rules ...). The integrated workflow engine was used to design and implement the complex process for validating data all along the product creation flow. DATASOLUTION team developped dedicated screens and processes to facilitate data entry and control (like the ingredient table). A SSO connector with Lactalis Active Directory was created to easily onboard new users.
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Die Deutsche Saatveredelung (DSV) zählt zu den führenden mittelständischen Pflanzenzuchtunternehmen Deutschlands. Sie ist spezialisiert auf die Züchtung, Produktion und den Vertrieb von Futter- und Rasengräsern, Ölfrüchten, Kleearten,...
Die Krombacher Brauerei ist mit einem jährlichen Ausstoß von über 7 Mio. Hektolitern die größte deutsche Privatbrauerei. Neben dem Krombacher Pils gibt es unter dem Dach der Marke Krombacher eine Reihe weiterer erfolgreicher Produkte....
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