Case Study: GRÄFE UND UNZER VERLAG GmbH - Impression #1

Case Study: “Jagdleben” Platform with self-developed LXP extension for Pimcore

GRÄFE UND UNZER is a company of the GANSKE VERLAGSGRUPPE and is one of the leading German public publishers. The platform was created for the sub-brand BLV.

The “Jagdleben” brand is a completely new product on the subject of hunting and nature. The combination of editorial content and hunting academy refers to hunting license applicants and those interested in hunting equally. The homepage combines marketing, shop and learning management in a unique academy solution. Technically it's based on the DXP Pimcore with an LXP plugin developed by us for extensive learning management functions.

Logo: Arrabiata
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Customer Key Facts


Transformation of existing specialist knowledge into digital learning

The main goals for the platform “Jagdleben” were the creation of a new, unique product that is not yet available on the hunting market, to prepare hunting students optimally for the exam in cooperation with hunting schools or they can use the online service as individual user, the visual creation and conception of the “Jagdleben” brand powered by BLV, the technical implementation of the platform “” with Pimcore and the creation of e-learning content. For Gräfe und Unzer, this solution offers low administrative effort with a high level of intervention options, which enables the platform to be operated completely independently and efficiently. Those interested can access the academy and purchase the courses via freely available content and demo learning units. The popular YouTube channel of hunting professionals Christian Teppe and Benedikt Schwenen is also integrated into the platform and serves as a marketing channel.

Development of an online platform for digital learning in combination with an e-commerce solution

The technical solution based on the digital experience platform Pimcore includes the three central software components e-commerce, content management and learning management. The entire purchasing process including payment and invoicing is implemented in Pimcore with the integrated e-commerce component. The CMS component from Pimcore is used to easily create marketing and blog content. The learning management including learning paths and learning history is based on our self-developed LXP extension for Pimcore. The advantage of this fully integrated solution in one system is obvious: the close integration allows the buyer and learner a completely seamless user experience. It moves from initial interest through the purchasing process to working through the e-learning modules in one interface.

A new way of thinking about digital learning: Pioneering platform takes the learning experience to a new level

The challenge in creating the e-learning courses was a comprehensive, easy-to-understand and motivating presentation of content. We clarified technical questions in close teamwork with the hunting experts from Gräfe und Unzer. We created a total of 75 WBTs (Web-Based Trainings), for which we didactically prepared the content and integrated specially created videos from the hunting experts. While developing the brand, it was particularly important to get a feeling for the identity of the hunters. Our UI/UX team used the closeness with nature within the color scheme and brand story. The consistent adoption of these specifications in the e-learning courses creates a visible connection between the individual components of “Jagdleben”. The platform “” received in 2024 the Comenius EduMedia Awards for digital educational media as a “unique academy solution for hunting license candidates and those interested in hunting”.

Key Results

Increased Website Visitors
Web-Based Trainings (WBT)

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