Case Study: Nussbaum Medien - Impression #1

Case Study: Corporate Website Relaunch for Nussbaum Medien with Pimcore

Expertise, knowledge & innovation: With these values, Nussbaum Medien, one of the largest publishing groups in Germany, shapes local communication in Baden-Württemberg every day.

Given this significant position and an internally initiated digitalisation process, a newly designed corporate website was essential. The goal was to create a website that helps Nussbaum engage diverse target groups equally and supports and advances Nussbaum as a company through its own digital transformation.

Logo: Nussbaum Medien
Logo: wob
Pimcore Gold Partner
  • Nussbaum Medien
Solution Partner
Products Used
Visit website

Customer Key Facts

1 100 000

Nussbaum and wob. Connecting the local area together.

Nussbaum must provide municipalities and associations with an editorial platform for their legal publication obligations in their self-promotion efforts. Nussbaum's print products are essential for this purpose. Additionally, it's crucial to effectively target businesses to manage the mammoth task of supplying 1.1 million households with advertising papers.
Case Study: Christian Engert, Head of Corporate Communications, Nussbaum Medien
"With wob, we have found a strong partner who combines a high level of expertise with just the right amount of interpersonal chemistry. From the initial workshops to the roll-out of the new website, we always felt like we were working together towards the best possible outcome. "
Christian Engert, Head of Corporate Communications, Nussbaum Medien

From advertising papers to digital platforms: A portfolio for every target audience.

From the specific legislative challenges of nearly 400 municipalities to the wide product range, spanning from printed advertising papers to a local magazine and digital news platforms, a spectrum of products with seemingly endless variations emerges. Together, we have managed to comprehend this range of product information and make it accessible to various target groups. Currently, the project is in the second phase, and the PIM's output will be even more tailored to the needs of the target audiences.

Media Kits 2.0: Static PDFs are transformed into dynamic PIM systems.

wob supported Nussbaum in transitioning traditionally published media kits, typically in PDF format, into the digital realm by establishing them as a PIM. These data sets should be easily and regularly editable. A key requirement from the client was the ability to upload edited data effortlessly, thus updating the database. The infrastructure created for this purpose enables Nussbaum to easily scale product communication and expand it to digital channels.

Key Results

Product attributes
Data Objects
Increased Website Speed

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