Case Study: Canpol - Impression #1

Case Study: Improving Performance, Updating and Implementing New B2C eCommerce with Pimcore

Canpol is a Polish company with almost 30 years of experience in manufacturing feeding and care accessories under two separate brands.

Canpol is one of the European largest and most technologically advanced companies specializing in feeding and care accessories for babies. Having 2 brands, they have gained the trust of many mothers, as quality is one of their core values. We knew we would find a common language then.

Logo: Canpol
Logo: Tandemite
Pimcore Gold Partner
  • Canpol
Verwendete Produkte



Business Needs

Canpol company has over 30 years of experience in manufacturing toddlers’ accessories. They have 2 separate brands: Canpol Babies and Lovi. You can find their products in over 50 countries. They had some performance and SEO troubles, so a solution needed to be well-optimized, redesigned, customized for more language versions, and updated to the newest technology. Later on, they decided to launch B2C solution, and we did take care of the launching for both brands.

Pimcore Solution

To achieve the best results, we needed to start by upgrading Pimcore from the 5 to 6 version (later on, as we continued our collaboration with Canpol, we upgraded it again to Pimcore X). Because of the scale, it was a highly complex task. In the end, we implemented B2C elements thanks to the e-commerce framework, optimized the whole website, and created a fully functional, modern e-commerce service for both Canpol Babies and Lovi. We didn’t forget about Canpol’s intense internationalization, which is why we created a system for adding new languages. Thanks to this, they can add a new language every time they open to a new market.


Business Result

We delivered everything our customers required. Modern and well-optimized service, ready for many markets and user-friendly. Canpol team can add new languages and edit other elements with ease. Attractive and dynamic content was crucial; Canpol need their website to be friendly for mothers from different countries and with different budgets. And it is.

Wesentliche Ergebnisse

Gesteigerte Conversionrate
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