An Icecat open source plugin for all open icecat users who can get standardized data from Icecat to their Pimcore system

A Product Information Management (PIM) system helps organize and standardize large amounts of product data, and open source ensures that it is free to download and use. We publish our integration with Pimcore as open source, to minimize the thresholds for users to fetch and use the data from Open Icecat directly into their system. As a result, fetching standardized data becomes easy, simple, and efficient.
An Icecat open source plugin for all open icecat users who can get standardized data from Icecat to their Pimcore system - Impression #1


The Icecat plugin for Pimcore is available at Github. It is, of course, free to download. A user needs to install the downloaded plugin into their existing Pimcore installation. The Pimcore extension works with Pimcore version 10 and above. More detailed documentation and installation instructions are available at


Our extension allows importing open content from Icecat into a user’s Pimcore instance. The user needs to be already a registered Open Icecat user. If you don’t have a free Open Icecat account yet, register here to become an Icecat user.

How to upload?

After logging in as an Open Icecat user, users can search for products by uploading their price or catalog file. The file should contain a list of product codes and brand names or GTINs (for example EANs). Users can choose to upload a file or provide the URL location of the file.

Restarting and features

Users can restart the process if they log off while importing. But, restarting the process kills any existing import process. In order to restart, just click the restart button on the Add file tab of the plugin.

The product data is available for preview after importing. Product data is available as JSON data on Icecat, and imported products data looks similar to the JSON data in Icecat. The imported data also contains elements like image galleries, videos, 3D tours, product stories, PDFs, Reasons To Buy, dynamic specifications, and marketing descriptions. Users can also edit the data imported using the Edit feature of Pimcore.

In some cases, it might be necessary to have an FFMPEG extension or a video player supported by Pimcore to be able to edit videos. You can see the review of Pimcore from our tests here.

Key observations

Using this plugin makes it very easy to import the formatted and standardized data available in Open Icecat. However, some features, like using Datahub, Image gallery PDFs, etc., are not very flexible in the basic Pimcore structure. As we tried to avoid making changes to the Pimcore core code, we decided not to use data hub functionalities. The speed of importing the products depends on the performance of the Pimcore server.
Consequently, there can be extra buffering if the server is running with low resources.

Future plan for the plugin

The road map for the plugin includes both functional and performance improvements. Performance improvements will focus on reducing the buffer time and improving the speed of the application.

Functional improvements will focus on features like adding an option to defer importing products to a later time and scheduling importing of the products and updating the products. We also hope to support Full Icecat users with authentication and data flow changes.

Get plugin in the marketplace

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Author:Sowjanya Putrevu
Sowjanya Putrevu
  • Research Analyst
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