pimcore goes barcamp

Hi folks, 
it has been a bit quiet out here lately. But that doesn't mean, that the pimcore project is less active. It is more vital than ever before and are happy to see that pimcore is used all over the world. This is amazing. 

A few weeks ago we made a small pimcore demo during a barcamp here in Salzburg. Thanks for this opportunity.

In this demo we made some live coding of about an hour and developed a small barcamp website with pimcore. 

Nothing big, but 

  • on the portal page you have area blocks where you can register, login, see tweets.
  • Once you are logged in you see a session list 
  • and for each session you can upload some images or videos and add comments to the sessions. 

We want to share the result of this live coding session with you. 

You can download the zip-file here: Demo.zip

  • The database dump is located in the root folder, please adapt the database settings in the system.xml
  • Login für the backend is: 
    • username = admin
    • password = demo123
  • An existing frontend member is: 
  • username = demo
  • password = demo123

But please keep in mind, that it is not optimized in terms of securitydemo or performance. Still, it's quite a cool demo and should give you a little head start of how to solve things with pimcore. 

We hope you like it ... 

Greets from Salzburg,

Christian and the pimcore team

Author:Christian Fasching
Christian Fasching
  • CPO
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