Digital Asset Management (DAM) systems are now being seen as an effective means to offer personalized experiences to customers.
Personalization: A few years ago, it used to be one thing enterprises cared about and customers valued. Now it has turned into a game-changer for enterprises; for customers, it’s a solid reason to stay brand loyal.
Quite naturally, businesses are upping their game in providing personalized digital experiences, trying to get closer to customers each day, engaging them in ways they hadn’t been exposed to before, at lowest possible cost, on channels they love (and spend time on).
From light, snackable imagery and visual content to rich videos, graphics, high-end 3d animation, and everything that falls in between—digital assets are proving to be a core component in personalization. For enterprises, the way is only forward from here. Once customers have been accustomed to a particular manner of personalization, they won’t expect anything less the next time.
And in the post-Covid era, enterprises have doubled down on their efforts to personalize. In this light, Digital Asset Management (DAM) systems have emerged significantly valuable for enterprises. Here’s how DAM is paving the road for personalization.
Sets the Tone for Personalization
Serving personalized experiences, unlike the popular belief, isn’t just about knowing your customers well; they start with having a tight grasp over your brand content. However, many enterprises lack that as digital assets are scattered across the organization. Modern-day DAMs not only consolidate digital assets, but as a solution, they are perfectly capable of enriching content via both embedded, standard AI that uses generic tagging as well as machine language (which can be trained for rich business-centric tags). Also, when digital content creators break up the content into small chunks, these chunks can be mixed and matched to develop new content from the existing assets, serving as personalized material for different groups and segments of customers.
Personalization is Process Backed
Personalization is intended; there’s a method to it. There are specific steps that are taken to achieve it. And digital asset management platform has started to play a critical role in the execution of those steps. DAM facilitates the creation of upstream digital content, which comprises workflows, content reviewing, rehashing, and approvals, as well as integration with other creative tools and software. This prepares a conducive landscape for enterprises to flourish in their creative endeavors helping them chart out a sound digital strategy. These integrations have also become the backbone for downstream content delivery to web content management systems or eCommerce platforms to face end-customers (in the case of b2c commerce) and web portals for vendors, partners, 3rd party channels (in case of b2b).
Omnichannel: Personalization’s Closest Aide
Omnichannel is ‘the’ vehicle for personalization. Without omnichannel, personalization cannot exist. And DAM provides the much-needed support for omnichannel enablement by unlocking distinct experiences for distinct users. By quickly creating, modifying, approving, and delivering consistent content across the globe, DAM software delivers digital content consistently across any channel and at any moment. However, for true personalization, separate versions of the same digital assets are needed to suit separate channels, markets, geographies, or segments. And that is where digital asset management plays its most important role. It brings together fragmented technology stacks and helps teams to eliminate the need to recreate or duplicate tasks and assets across multiple channels and workflows. Therefore, DAM lets channels re-use assets without handcrafting them each time.
Personalization Needs Volume and Scale in Experimentation
DAM helps marketers in delivering personalization at scale. Digital content such as artwork, images, videos, logos, banners, website, and app components can be tagged for easy retrieval, tracking, and storing using a DAM repository.
DAM’s dynamic creative optimization helps connect digital assets and design elements with quick decision-making. In addition, it facilitates marketing functions to carry out A/B testing and allows organizations to act when the right opportunity arises. DAM enables organizations to instantly develop and design campaigns that suit customers’ contexts. Instead of depending on pre-designed creative elements that may not be relevant at a given moment, it triggers and distributes digital content modules that fit various markets and segments on various relevant channels.
Personalization Enhanced by ‘Headlessness’ and AI
A Headless DAM is one where a user-facing presentation layer or the front end does not exist. DAM dynamically connects with various software, such as CRM, CMS, or PIM, which need digital assets in a particular format or structure at a given moment. That’s the reason headless DAM can deliver highly personalized experiences whenever needed. And when coupled with AI, headless DAM gets the power to mold content in real time. With reusable, rich media components in place inside DAM, AI helps in the creation of flexible content which turns out even more relevant in a cultural, demographical, and psychological context for the end users. Hence headless DAM, along with AI, has the power to produce content that influences consumers’ behaviors in significant ways.
Wrapping Up: DAM Underpins Brand, Product, and Sales Strategy
The much-talked-about time when humans will cease creating and distributing content and automation will take over—is here, at least partially. As a result, a multipurpose, multifaceted, business-centric digital content strategy is needed for branding, products, and sales, where personalization will be a constant theme. Quite naturally, DAM solution will prove to be an essential element as digital assets are a crucial component in weaving compelling product experiences.
Also, as branding is a significant competitive differentiator for enterprises, just as delivering customized products and services to meet customers’ specific needs is—asset management professionals will look for quick, effective, and innovative means.
In summary, DAM has started playing a key role not just in creation of personalized digital assets but has become a significant factor in carving ‘personalized customer relationships’— which is crucial for every business today.
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