It’s already 1 month ago that we gave you a first update on Pimcore X. And you probably can't wait for it any more than we can! Yes, you guessed right, today it's time for another update! Last time, the developer team was still in the middle of finalizing the PHP 8 support. And how could it be otherwise expected: This milestone is as good as finished. Only one small pull request still needs to be processed.
Remember we said that 75% of Pimcore X is already developed? Well, we are now at 85%! So, we can almost see the finish line! We would also like to remind you at the last few meters: We are grateful for any help and ideas from you, our community! So continue to take the chance to help develop a part of Pimcore X.
What's next?
The core crew is still working in parallel to finish 6.9.0. This has the highest priority because many features are deprecated and not used in Pimcore X anymore. All these changes will be fully documented and noted in the Pimcore X release notes. After all, we want to enable a smooth upgrade path for our community. Our crew is confident that we will be done with this in the next two weeks.
After that, there are still some general tasks to be done, like writing a migration guide and getting all the documentation up to speed.
And then the beta version will follow
This version will give you the opportunity to test your existing bundles and extensions with Pimcore X and maybe even set up your first experimental projects. We will inform you on our channels when this happens so that you don't miss this chance!
Until then, we look forward to your contributions. Stay tuned!