Demo goes ecommerce

As part of our pimcore 2.0 relaunch we also announced a more complex demo to show the product information, asset management and ecommerce features of pimcore.

Finally we are ready to release the first version of this demo and proudly present it here: It should give you a quite good impression of how pimcore can handle more complex product structures, helps you with asset management and how ecommerce can be integrated to a website.

But please keep in mind that this is still a demo and by far not feature complete. Due to the framework structure of pimcore and its enterprise modules, this demo can only be an example of how things could be done. There are countless other ways to set up a pim and integrate ecommerce.

Also concerning frontend, pimcore doesn’t restrict you to a specific template or frontend technology. In this demo we used a full-responsive HTML5/CSS3 template, but of course you can use your own design, workflows and frontend technologies.

That said, feel free to play around. We hope you enjoy the demo and it helps you to see the power of pimcore. Also have a look at the special features


We plan to keep this demo up-to-date and enrich it with the newest features over time. So stay tuned, there is more to come.

Whatever you are up to with pimcore in the weeks ahead, may it be good fun and profitable. 


Cheers from Salzburg, 
Christian and the pimcore crew...

Wenn Sie mitverfolgen oder mithelfen möchten, schauen Sie regelmäßig in unserem Blog vorbei. Oder verfolgen Sie die Entwicklung in Echtzeit auf GitHub. Oder werden Sie Pimcore-Partner und erhalten Sie Newsletter, Einladungen zu Webinaren und mehr.

Danke, dass Sie sich für Pimcore entschieden haben. Bis bald bei der nächsten Version!

Author:Christian Fasching
Christian Fasching
  • CPO
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