From Silver to Gold: anyMOTION'S Pimcore Journey

AnyMOTION, our silver partner in Düsseldorf Germany, has just been promoted to a gold partner! Having reached well over the magic number of Pimcore projects to get promoted to a gold partner, we are very excited to see them grow within the Pimcore ecosystem.  During their tenure as a silver partner, they were so successful that they were able to quickly climb the ladder to the gold level.

Before becoming a gold partner, they exemplified pimcore excellence with their clients and completed several successful projects.  They were always active participants in the Pimcore community and proactively produced case studies, guest blogs, and even presented at our annual UNconference.  They sought out Pimcore training and lead generation activities and worked hard to become successful in their Pimcore endeavors.

One of their lead project managers, Jan Peifer, blogged about backend usability and flexibility in Pimcore and about how the solution can be used to create a modern and creative frontend UX.  The blog was shared all over theirs (and ours!) social channels and created quite the buzz on social media.

They completed many successful Pimcore projects, and were able to share some of them with us to be featured on our case study page. With their financial services client RCI Banque, they used Pimcore’s CMS to create a state-of-the-art website in terms of brand visibility, usability, and data channeling – and one that could convert visitors into leads.  Having a wide range of clients, they were also engaged with a healthcare website, that provides information on diseases, diagnoses, treatments, and therapy. Using Pimcore, they created a website tailored to their needs with a built-in and customized call-back-service, moderated chat, secure dialogue form, and advice center finder.

We are always happy to have active and thriving partners and are even happier when they move up within our partner ecosystem. With their new gold status, we are excited to see what they will do next with Pimcore and how they will continue to contribute to our partner community.

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