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Case Study:

From Cutting Foam to Floral Wire, Everything a Florist's Heart Desires


Fleurop AG

For over 100 years, Fleurop has stood for bringing happiness to a global audience via flowers. When sending floral greetings, rather than having the flowers themselves make the trip, orders are filled by local florists.

The Fleurop B2B shop and a PIM that makes everything possible: To enable Fleurop to optimally support its partner florists in the production of high-quality bouquets and floral arrangements, we implemented a full-featured B2B shop, with extensive individual requirements and a complex PIM system for its management and enrichment.

From Cutting Foam to Floral Wire, Everything a Florist's Heart Desires
From Cutting Foam to Floral Wire, Everything a Florist's Heart Desires
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Customer Key Facts


Mio. Euro Turnover







From Cutting Foam to Floral Wire, Everything a Florist's Heart Desires


Inefficient data maintenance and outdated technologies

Fleurop's previous B2B store for florists relied on a Java-based solution that was closely tied to the company's intranet. The infrastructure which had grown over time was based on technology that was no longer up to date, and product information in the B2B store could only be managed in a rudimentary way. Article data could be maintained solely in the SAP system and transferred to the store via synchronization. Data maintenance was likewise error-prone and inefficient. The system was fully loaded with 5,000 products — the technology stack had reached the limits of its capacity. The store’s front-end design and user-friendliness were no longer up to date. A new system therefore needed to offer modern architecture, future-proof technology, and an optimized ordering process for florists.

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From Cutting Foam to Floral Wire, Everything a Florist's Heart Desires


PIM, DAM, CMS, and a shop united under one system

Fleurop's partners operate in many different countries. The possibility of multilingual data maintenance and output was therefore of great importance to the company. The store also had to be able to handle different currencies, tax rates, and other country-specific data without any problems. The use of modern front-end technologies formed the foundation for a contemporary design and intuitive user guidance. A key element was the implementation of a PIM solution to enable the future maintenance of product data in a centralized location. The new merchandise management system and the ERP system were to be closely linked, with frictionless data transfers between these individual solutions. For this purpose, we implemented a PIM system based on the Pimcore eCommerce framework, where master data, store data, product information, and configurations can all now be managed and maintained.

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From Cutting Foam to Floral Wire, Everything a Florist's Heart Desires


A shop and PIM as a single source of truth, in accordance with the latest standards

In Fleurop's new, modern PIM system, employees can now manage and maintain master data, store data, product information, and configurations in multiple languages. Editors now publish content on the homepage and category pages automatically or with minimal manual effort. The use of the Pimcore CMS and eCommerce framework form the technical foundation, while a contemporary design and intuitive user guidance in the new B2B shop round off the project on the front end. In addition, the shop solution offers functions like split shopping carts at checkout for different shipping methods and the dynamic calculation of discounts, including returns management. Within the system, we created a solution for the individual configuration of BMEcat-based product data exports for the connection of partner marketplaces. We also implemented a batch importer and exporter feature for mass processing of product information.

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Easy-To-Use Tools

  • Case Study: Fleurop-Impression #4.1
  • Case Study: Fleurop-Impression #4.2

Key Results


System Users


Marketing Communication in the Shop


Product creation in PIM

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