Case Study: Melbye Skandinavia - Impression #1

Case Study: With the Mission of Being the Most Digitalized Respected Company in Their Industry

Melbye Skandinavia is a marketing and sales organization with subsidiaries in Scandinavian countries. The head office is in Oslo, Norway, but the group has a total of 10 direct sales offices.

Melbye has had an untraditional view on their project. After having experienced that too many external consultants and partners increased the gap between technology and their business, they took an agile project approach to the extreme. With the hypothesis that Pimcore is the best DXP platform for them and that Ateles was the best partner to guide them.

Logo: Melbye Skandinavia
Logo: CAG Ateles AB
Pimcore Platinum Partner
  • Melbye Skandinavia
Solution Partner
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Customer Key Facts

Mio. Euro Turnover

A traditional industry with low digital experience

Melbye decide to start their DXP journey by building a CMS solution with no specification, just the aim of building a website within 3 months. They organized the project with internal resources with limited digital experience and an expert from Ateles. The objective was to create a mature digital organization by building internal competencies and responsibility. This has been a great success and after having finished the website with the best possible UX in mind, the next step was to build content around all four business areas, and to build an Ecom like product catalogue to make it easy to find products and product information and to attract new customers. Melbye strive to be the most competent and the most digitalized company in a traditional and old fashion industry.
Case Study: Petter Aas, Digital project manager, Melbye
"We wanted a flexible and open-source PIM system that could do everything, not only to handle product data but to build our own CMS, use it as a DAM, MDM and possibly e-com as well. When we found Pimcore it was an easy choice. Pimcore was right for the job and with C.A.G Ateles the process has been painless. They have the team, the know-how, the knowledge and were open to new ways of working."
Petter Aas, Digital project manager, Melbye

The utilization of Pimcores all capabilities

Melbye has now been working with Pimcore and Ateles for 2 years and have not yet met a dead end. All challenges and all needs and wishes have been met by Pimcores width and dept of functionality. CMS for building an UX friendly site with rich content with guides, information, knowledge and experience sharing. They have utilized MDM and Ecom, both for product presentation and also for sales in the future. DAM for linking up pdf product description, pictures and technical data. On the roadmap lies the plan of creating customized web portals with a personalized experience.

Case Study: Sverre Øier, Country Manager, C.A.G Ateles
"Melbye is a dream customer, why? Because it is so satisfying to see the journey they have made, and we are so proud of being a part of it. They have made a total shift in strategy and realized it in a way that is really admirable. Their way of working is so dynamic and engaging and it is so obvious that Pimcore is their perfect match."
Sverre Øier, Country Manager, C.A.G Ateles

A new market image as a leader in their industry

Digitally, Melbye has experienced a radical shift in time. From being traditional and dependant on external expertise, to beeing independant and in charge. To support this, Melbye have hired young digital professionals and remade their traditional industry offices to look hyper modern with VR facilities, shuffleboard and other hi tech features. This have revitalized the company, their market position and their customers view of them as a supplier.

Key Results

Shortened Time to market
Reduced duplicate data
Decreased Product Returns

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