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last reviewed: 09.04.2024

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Compatible Pimcore Version




1  Reviewer

reviewed on 09.04.2024



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Project Summary

Pimcore Vite integration


Pimcore Vite Bundle

Total Downloads Latest Version Software License

This bundle adds a Service to your Pimcore project, which can resolve vite assets.


Using composer

composer require carbdrox/pimcore-vite-bundle

Enable the Bundle

bin/console pimcore:bundle:enable ViteBundle


To resolve your vite assets inside twig templates you can use the function vite('asset/path') which accepts the asset path as parameter.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ vite('assets/scss/app.scss') }}"/>

<script type="module" defer src="{{ vite('assets/js/app.js') }}"></script>

If you need to resolve your asset inside php code, you need to inject the Service \ViteBundle\Services\ViteService::class then you can use the method getAsset('asset/path') from this service, which also accepts the asset path as parameter.

class DefaultController extends FrontendController
    public function defaultAction(\ViteBundle\Services\ViteService $viteService)
        $path = $viteService->getAsset('assets/js/app.js')

If you want to use the hot reload functionality, you need to insert the following snippet at the bottom of your twig template.
It will insert the required script which is required by vite to enable the hot reloading.
The script tag will only be inserted if the APP_ENV is 'dev' and you the template is not opened in editmode.

    {{ viteReload(editmode) | raw }}


Automatic vite configuration

It is highly recommended to use the pimcore-vite-plugin in combination with this bundle. It will configure your vite to work in harmony with this bundle.

Manual vite configuration

If you prefer to write your vite config yourself, you need to provide some files for this bundle to work correctly.

The bundle requires you to provide a manifest.json file, which contains all the asset paths keyed by their vite path. This manifest.json will be loaded frompublic/build/manifest.json`.

If you want to make use of the hot reload functionality, you need to provide a file named vite-serve in your public folder whenever your vite dev server is running.
This file must contain the url of your vite dev server e.g. http://localhost:5173. The file must not contain any additional text or whitespaces.


Thank you for considering contributing! The contribution guide can be found in the

Code of Conduct

Please review and abide by the Code of Conduct.


The Pimcore Vite bundle is licensed under the MIT license.

Review status


last reviewed: 09.04.2024


No author set



Last updated

Compatible Pimcore Version




1  Reviewer

reviewed on 09.04.2024