Pimcore CDP Software

Customer Data

Unified customer profiles

Pimcore's Customer Data Platform (CDP) software enables you to store and manage master data records of your customers. By aggregating customer activities from different source systems, the open source CDP platform, provides a consistent and unified view of all related data. Impressive features for profile unification, audience segmentation, SSO, and triggering marketing automation to personalize content are included.

Pimcore CDP is flexible and can be easily customized or extended to develop customer management solutions. It provides an easy import/export via Rest API and manages SSO Identities / Social Logins like Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Integrated algorithms automatically store and organize the data records in a logical manner, for example based on country and zip code.

The Pimcore Platform manages any kind of digital data - structured master data, digital assets and unstructured content. Pimcore CDP is seamlessly integrated and provides a new arsenal to win the digital transformation battle.


Customer Data Integration
Ingest, aggregate and store first-party or third-party, individual-level customer data from multiple sources (online and offline) in real time at any scale and speed.
Profile Unification
Merge various devices to single individual when they’re identified, including de-duplication of customer records and matching 3rd party data, to blend customers in one account.
Customer Data Modelling
As objects are just like object-oriented programming in our CDP software, managing structured data based on a class definition can be defined via a simple GUI.
Real-time personalization
Personalization stemming from customer segmentation and real-time implicit and explicit on-site behavioral targeting supports the Pimcore customer data platform.
Automating any actions connected to customers according to rules can be executed through tools provided by the customer management framework plugin in the CDP software.
Data Quality Management
Streamline data quality evaluations ensure continuous refinement and optimization across all facets of data management. Pimcore highlights user-centric configuration, automated validations, visual assessments, and integrated analytics to drive unparalleled data governance.
Enterprise Webhooks
Transform Customer Data Management, activating real-time marketing campaigns, delivering personalized content, and ensuring data uniformity across platforms.
Workflow Automation Integration
Empower your customer data strategy with Workflow Automation Integration, enabling real-time, multi-source data aggregation and enhanced customer profiling.


Seamless Customer Experience
Our CDP platform provides a comprehensive view of customers, which is significant for businesses to understand their needs, so that they can be served with improved customer experience.
Eliminate Data Silos
Customer data in disparate applications, systems, departments or lying with solo individuals can lead to inefficiencies, discrepancies as well as poor data analysis.
Enhance Customer Loyalty
Since an enterprise customer data platform results in highly personalized and consistent experiences, it leads to enhanced customer loyalty.
Better Relations with Partners and Vendors
Insights gathered from customer data is also advantageous for organizations’ vendors, partners, and other parties, resulting in better relations with them.
Opportunities for Measurement
With Pimcore CDP, high degree of measurement is one of the key benefits that marketers reap, as they get a 360-degree view of their customers.

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See for yourself why thousands of enterprises trust us to bring their CDP vision to life. Pimcore is Gartner Cool Vendor. Get in touch.
Headquarter Austria
+43 662 230991

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