New silver partner in Italy: Extera

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Extera was founded in 2000 in San Marino and is focused on the digital presence of complex organizations. They are our newest silver partner and we welcome them to the partner network. They offer digital services as well as eCommerce solutions. Their business activities take place mainly in the north and center regions of Italy.

We asked them for an interview to find out what made them choose Pimcore as the new main software framework for their company.

How did your company get aware of Pimcore?

We did quite a lot of research. We were seeking an open source CMS solution which was flexible enough to provide for the needs of our clients. As our clients stretch along various industries they have quite varying requirements. After our extensive research, we ended up comparing 6 open source CMS products. We decided using Pimcore because it catered best for the needs of our clients. 3 years ago we started using it and have since been using it for lots of projects.

Why is Pimcore the right solution for your company?

Our customers are usually complex organizations with varying and specific needs. The power of Pimcore in terms of possibilities for custom realizations are perfect for them. Also, we already had very good PHP programmers and the necessary skills to get started.

What made you join the Pimcore Solution Partner Program?

We have been using Pimcore for 3 years, without being an official partner. We already contributed with some improvements to the Pimcore open source code on Github. We think it is a great platform and we want to be recognized as experienced Pimcore solution architects in Italy and San Marino. The partnership will benefit our company as it will increase the trust in our competence as Pimcore implementation experts.

Check out Extera's partner profile and their case studies

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Author:Christian Kemptner
Christian Kemptner
  • Marketing & Partner Management
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