NEWS: New silver partner Embitel

Embitel is an eCommerce agency and System Integrator and was founded in India in 2006. In August 2017 they became a Pimcore silver partner.
NEWS: New silver partner Embitel - Impression #1

Embitel is an eCommerce agency and System Integrator and was founded in India in 2006. In August 2017 they became a Pimcore silver partner and we welcome them to the partner network. With currently over 240 employees they are creating solutions for their clients in Retail B2B, B2C, Automotive, Manufacturing, and Telecom.

We asked them for an interview to find out what made them choose Pimcore as their new software platform of choice for PIM and MDM solutions.

How did your company get aware of Pimcore?

In 2015 we did an extensive research to find an open source framework which would cater for diverse clients needs. We have clients from various industries, therefore we needed a flexible product. Pimcore looked very promising and after evaluation, it in some projects we were really stunned how many possibilities it provides.

Why is Pimcore the right solution for your company?

It is a good complimenting solution for our eCommerce customers. We are using it for PIM, MDM and custom module development  

Some examples of projects in which we are currently using Pimcore

Multi-category eCommerce portal focused on books
The eCommerce storefront is Magento and the catalog management is done in Pimcore, which was integrated with Magento

MDM for products, stores and pin codes for a grocery retailer
Localization of website and landing pages, store level inventory & custom store prices. This project for a popular grocery retailer in India is currently in progress. This is an omnichannel eCommerce project with multiple stock locations and loaded with plenty of features. Pimcore is extensively used for managing the catalog, prices, inventory, stores, for pin code mapping, unit of measures configuration, managing variants, etc.

Marketplace for a financial service company
Pimcore is managing the complex offers and seller modules in the first phase of the project. Later on, we will move many more modules to this platform. A leading financial services company has a network of retailers who give special offers on products which will then be financed. Pimcore's Assets and Documents will be used to build a portal for capturing product offers across various complex dealer networks with different types of promotions.

What made you join the Pimcore Solution Partner Program?

We wanted to feature an enterprise solution in our line of service offerings. By being a partner we will also gain access and insights to community content and plugins. The support in training materials, documentation, plugins, and other assets will help us become even more proficient in Pimcore. It will also enable us to grow the size of our Pimcore developer team.

View the Embitel Pimcore Partner Profile Page

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Author:Christian Kemptner
Christian Kemptner
  • Marketing & Partner Management
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