Announcing pimcore 3.0

On behalf of pimcore, I’m proud to announce that we are releasing pimcore 3 today. Pimcore 3 is a huge step forward and by far the biggest release in the history of pimcore. We want to take a moment to thank our community for all of the feedback and constant support. Together, we have created the world’s most advanced open source content management framework.

What's New

PHP Namespaces

Pimcore now utilizes the full power of namespaces in PHP. We've rewritten the entire core while still being nearly 100% downward compatible to earlier versions of pimcore. 
Read more on namespaces in pimcore. Please have also a look at our upgrade guide

Miscellaneous Features

  • Extension ZIP upload
  • Updated devices in document preview
  • Advanced translation import (compare & merge feature)
  • Navigation improvements
  • EXIF orientation flag support
  • Improved permissions
  • XLIFF export & import improvements
  • Replaced flash upload with HTML5 upload (across the system, no flash required) 
  • Removed all PEAR dependencies
  • ...

Please have a look at our bug tracker and the commit log to see a list of all changes. 

Some Statistics

  • fixed 118 issues reported by the community in our bug tracker
  • ~ 510 commits to the VCS
  • merged 37 pull requests on GitHub


How To Upgrade

Please do not upgrade from 2.x on a production system. 
Before you upgrade please read carfully our upgrade guide

If you want to follow along or help out, check out our blog section on a regular basis. You can also follow the development in real-time on GitHub.

Author:Dietmar Rietsch
Dietmar Rietsch
  • Managing Director
30 articles by this author

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