Community project

Pimcore was one of the most contributed PHP repositories on GitHub in 2017. We would like to thank our community for this amazing achievement. Thank's a lot to everybody who is contributing to this project, you - the community - is what makes Pimcore so great.
Community project - Impression #1

@pimcore is on place 158 on the list of most contributed PHP repositories in 2017. Sure there is still room for improvement in this statistic, but it's already an incredible achievement. Great community for sure.

— Igor Benko (@igorbenko) January 3, 2018

Pimcore ecosystem stats

The continuous, ongoing development of Pimcore is transparently published on GitHub. Because Pimcore is open-source, everybody can join this project and contribute to improve and enhance it. A team of core developers monitors and checks the various contributions and keeps an eye on the roadmap and contribution quality. Pimcore has already received 853 stars of people actively monitoring this daily development.

By looking at one month of Pimcore development (December 17, 2017 – January 17, 2018) it is possible to get an impression of how vibrant the Pimcore community is:

Excluding merges, 25 authors have pushed 428 commits to all branches. 710 files have changed.

Total stats (all-time): 16,503 commits (= a revision, or change to a set of files) / 109 contributors (= people who actively coded commits)

A lot is going on at Pimcore!

What is a PHP repository?

Pimcore is based on PHP. This is a scripting language that is especially suited to server-side web development. It can be deployed on most web servers on almost every operating system and platform, free of charge. As of May 2017, PHP was used on 83% of the 10 million most popular dynamic websites. PHP is used by WikipediaFacebook, Vimeo, Etsy, Flickr, MailChimp and many more.

Benefits of a PHP based PIM software for enterprises

  • Shorter time to market: PHP's flexibility encourages fast implementation of complex requirements. It scales very well, meaning you can start with a minimum viable application and create large, complex transactional systems later on. Changes and extensions can easily be added over time.
  • Easy integration: PHP is compatible with nearly all platforms and services. It runs on Windows, Linux, OSX without issues. It is also easy to integrate a PHP application with existing Java or C# applications you might have.
  • Availability of personnel: Finding software developers is a major challenge for enterprises. PHP developers are typically easy to find, as the number of PHP developers outweighs the number of developers for many other scripting languages.

Pimcore based on the leading PHP framework

The image below shows that the core rewrite to Symfony in 2017 was a good decision. 53% of the most popular PHP repositories are currently Symfony based. Consequently, Symfony is the leading PHP framework. It ensures that Pimcore stays a future-proof digital software platform.

Image (c) Marcel Pociot Comparison of 600 PHP Frameworks on GitHub 2017

Author:Christian Kemptner
Christian Kemptner
  • Marketing & Partner Management
142 articles by this author

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