pimcore 1.4.9 now available!

The latest version of pimcore contains some impressive new features, cool improvements and bugfixes (Release Notes).
We hope that you'll enjoy this new release and are looking forward to your feedback on Twitter, Facebook and Google+.
Following some impressions of the new release:

RESTful API (beta)

The new REST API allows you to easily get/update/delete the data in your project from external applications using simple HTTP calls. 
Currently only documents, assets and objects are supported, but we'll extend the API in the future to allow service calls to internal entities like static routes, redirects, ... 

Key-Value Data Type for Objects

This new data type allows to you add an arbitrary number of key/value pairs to your object. This is especially useful for storing product attributes or similar structured content. 
Keys are defined and managed in a global list and can be organized into groups (optional).

Improved Permissions

Improved Multi-Site Support

Tree Previews

Previews are now generated on save (images, pages, ...) so they are displayed instantly when hovering a tree node. 

New Version of CKEditor (True WYSIWYG) 

Style Editor for Pages

Page Preview for different Devices

Simple Newsletter Tool

Custom Meta Data on Pages

Bounce Mail Inbox

and much more ... ;-)

If you want to follow along or help out, check out our blog section on a regular basis. You can also follow the development in real-time on GitHub.

Author:Christian Fasching
Christian Fasching
  • CPO
28 articles by this author

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