pimcore 3.0.6 is Now Available!

Release Notes - pimcore - Version 3.0.6


  • [PIMCORE-2690] - Plugin installer / plugin with dependencies
  • [PIMCORE-2696] - Asset image editors (simple and advanced) don't work on demo site.
  • [PIMCORE-2697] - Sometimes key default_module doesn't exist, sending an error warning.
  • [PIMCORE-2698] - Batch assignment with condition failes
  • [PIMCORE-2705] - REST Webservice: Problems with inherited properties
  • [PIMCORE-2712] - Asset Document Image Thumbnails: bug fix deferred thumbnails
  • [PIMCORE-2717] - Object Class: Data Component Names
  • [PIMCORE-2723] - Export Assets as ZIP - Missing Files in Subfolder
  • [PIMCORE-2725] - Listing.php generated survives after deleting Class
  • [PIMCORE-2727] - Newsletter and Persona Multiselect
  • [PIMCORE-2731] - AbstractListing::addConditionParam without value don't works [my fix]
  • [PIMCORE-2733] - \Pimcore\Translate::translate uses lowercase keys but Zend_Translate_Adapter::isTranslated does not
  • [PIMCORE-2736] - The regex on allowed characters when creating a plugin skeleton is not correct
  • [PIMCORE-2737] - Assets - User can see assets when missing permission
  • [PIMCORE-2740] - Special mysql password causes install failure
  • [PIMCORE-2743] - Asset list only show direct children
  • [PIMCORE-2748] - Language Worspace Permissions are not additive


  • [PIMCORE-2190] - automatic CSS-Inlining for newsletters
  • [PIMCORE-2594] - Add caching to PimcoreNavigation helper
  • [PIMCORE-2610] - collapse object variants by default in treeview
  • [PIMCORE-2699] - Use InnoDB full text index if available - consistent usage of InnoDB tables
  • [PIMCORE-2702] - Object Search: Allow searching for folders
  • [PIMCORE-2703] - Output-Cache: Use the real hostname, not one out of X-Forwarded-For ....
  • [PIMCORE-2704] - Maintenance Task Runner: Do not lock all jobs at initialization
  • [PIMCORE-2706] - remove logging of resource determination, ... "Couldn't find resource implementation ... "
  • [PIMCORE-2707] - Assets performance improvement
  • [PIMCORE-2708] - Properties: Performance improvement
  • [PIMCORE-2709] - DAO Performance Improvement
  • [PIMCORE-2710] - Performance Improvement: Class loading
  • [PIMCORE-2713] - Asset: Clear thumbnail button for documents (pdf, docx, ..)

New Feature


A complete list of changes can be found here

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Author:Christian Fasching
Christian Fasching
  • CPO
28 articles by this author

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