Pimcore 5 Release Candidate

The final release of Pimcore 5 is coming closer and there is less than a week away.

Hi folks,

the release date of Pimcore 5 is Sept 28th as planned.

That means, the final release of Pimcore 5 is coming closer and there is less than a week away.

We are almost there, adding the last tweaks and preparing everything for the great release - while lots of you guys are already working with Pimcore 5, providing us valuable feedback. At this point thank you very much for your support and input!

Today, we released the Pimcore 5 release candidate, which can be downloaded at https://www.pimcore.org/download-5/pimcore-unstable.zip

So, stay tuned for next week. You will be amazed and we are really looking forward to it!

It will be great and a huge step forward.


Until then, have a great weekend...

The Pimcore Crew

If you want to follow along or help out, check out our blog section on a regular basis. You can also follow the development in real-time on GitHub.

Author:Christian Kemptner
Christian Kemptner
  • Marketing & Partner Management
142 articles by this author

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