Pimcore 6.8 - The Best Improvements & New Features

Thanks to our partners, developers, and the Pimcore community we have released Pimcore 6.8. Find out more about a editable dialog box, support for twig, cache performance improvements, and much more!
 Pimcore 6.8 - The Best Improvements &  New Features - Impression #1

New Features

Editable Dialog Box

Areablocks now have an all-new configuration feature that will replace the legacy "edit.php" and provide much more flexibility to provide additional configuration options to area blocks. The editable dialog is a configurable editing interface where you can use all supported editables in a structured layout in the current brick context. Learn more 

Support for Twig in Emails and Web2Print Documents

Support for Twig in Emails and Web2Print Documents for placeholders and other stuff. Will replace the old placeholder implementation with Pimcore 7. Learn more


Cache Performance Improvements 

Some technical stuff, but will result in significant performance improvements and also resolved a couple of problems when having very complex data object structures. Learn more

Copy & Rename for Pricing Rules 

Added copy & rename functionality to the pricing rules panel. Learn more 

All Listing Classes are now implementing Countable Interface

Again some technical stuff, but still worth mentioning. Learn more

Allow Tree Sorting in Descending Order

From now on you can sort the children in Pimcore backend trees in as- and descending order.  


Quite a long list of deprecations was added to functionalities that are going to be removed in the next major version, eg.: 

  • QR Codes 
  • Zend Query Builder (use doctrine query builder instead)
  • Tag & Snippet Management (use external tag managers instead) 
  • PHP templating engine (use twig instead)

The complete list can be seen here.

Want to know more?

Learn about the most important changes and improvements of Pimcore 6.8 in the Pimcore Academy and find all the changes on GitHub. Want to know how Pimcore revolutionizes the Enterprise open source?

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Author:Antoine Hauger
Antoine Hauger
  • Marketing & Partner Manager
9 articles by this author

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