Pimcore X - Meet the New Data Importer

Pimcore Datahub is the central hub for data exchange with external stakeholders in Pimcore X. It connects Pimcore to your digital applications and allows them to access, import, and update data managed within Pimcore with many technologies and protocols like REST or GraphQL.
Pimcore X - Meet the New Data Importer - Impression #1

The latest addition to Datahub is the Pimcore Data Importer
This Open Source module allows to

  • Read big amounts of data records from various sources
  • Configure transformations and mappings
  • Import and update data records without any coding

The Pimcore Data Importer is natively integrated into Pimcore. With a flexible design, it builds on the open and customizable architecture of Pimcore and Pimcore Datahub. It easily adapts to any data model configured in Pimcore.

Simply provide it with your data in any format – the built-in transformation and mapping features will transform and prepare the data and import it to your Pimcore solution. No matter if you want to import simple texts, numeric data, data with units, classification store data, or even relations to other data objects or assets.

These transformation and mapping features as well as the different data sources and data formats (XML, JSON, XSLX, CSV) allow implementing countless different tasks of getting data into Pimcore or update data within Pimcore. Here are just a couple of sample use cases:

Sample Usecase: Initial Import of your Product Data

Use the Pimcore Data Importer for the initial import of data into Pimcore. Provide the data for example in a JSON file, upload it directly in the importer configuration, setup the mapping, and start the import.

You cannot just map all the attributes of the JSON file to attributes of your data objects, but even utilize the transformation pipelines for preparing and transforming the data if necessary. When your data source contains URLs to product images, the import can download them, store them as Pimcore Assets and link them to the created products automatically.

If your data source contains a unique identifier, you can configure the import to update existing data records instead of creating new ones and thus also re-execute the import multiple times without creating duplicates.

Sample Usecase: Product data update from your ERP at regular intervals

Your ERP system provides (delta of full) exports of your base product data on a regular basis, e.g. exports them once a day to a specific SFTP location. Configure Pimcore Data Importer to load this data and import all the updated and new data into your PIM system fully automatic without any coding needed.

Sample Usecase: Product stock information update from your ERP in real-time

Stock information is typical information to be updated on a regular basis, best in real-time. Pimcore Data Importer allows configuring an endpoint, where the ERP system can push any updates of stocks to Pimcore as they change.

Sample Usecase: Connect CRM system and update subscription states

As Pimcore not only can manage product data but also other data like customer data, you of course can connect other systems like for example CRM systems. Use Pimcore Data Importer and the push data source to allow a CRM to push newsletter subscription states of your customers in real-time as they are updated in the CRM system.

Sample Usecase: Connect your preferred ETL tool and import data on a regular base

Since Pimcore Data Importer supports many different data sources, it also can be used to connect Pimcore to your preferred ETL tool. Use the ETL tool to prepare data from different sources, apply complex transformations and bring it into an intermediate structure. Map this intermediate structure to your Pimcore data model and do imports and updates with the Pimcore Data Importer on a regular basis.

For more details, please have a look at our documentation and see our Academy course dedicated to the Pimcore Data Importer.

Author:Christian Fasching
Christian Fasching
  • CPO
29 articles by this author

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