The Best New Features in Pimcore 6.6

With the help of our partners, developers, and Pimcore enthusiasts community, we have released a new Pimcore version. More than 100 improvements, features, and bug fixes are included in this latest release. We are proud of a record-breaking number of 250 code contributors who help us to keep Pimcore advanced. Once again, your dedication to this project enabled us to take the greatest open-source platform for data management and experience management to the next level.
The Best New Features in Pimcore 6.6 - Impression #1

New Features

Add ability to lock columns in the grid and save this in the grid configuration

The grid now provides the option to lock certain columns, which makes data management easier to handle when you have a lot of columns. We have added this functionality and added the setting 'Enable grid locking' within the data object class configuration. In the grid, you can now lock or unlock columns. This is also saved with the grid configuration to make it persistent. The feature is available both for Pimcore assets and data objects. Thanks, alexbaat!

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Support for all custom media-queries in DAM asset thumbnail pipeline

The Pimcore thumbnail transformation pipeline is a powerful tool, which automatically creates image thumbnails in the correct size and format for respective output channels on-the-fly. In the past only max-width media queries were supported, now any media query can be defined. Thanks, brusch!

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Asset Thumbnails configuration for 1x1 image placeholder, where no image is needed

It is now possible to specify to display no image/thumbnail for certain media queries. For example, a teaser element should have no image in its mobile view. Pimcore now provides a configuration option not to display an image for certain media queries - instead, a 1x1 data-uri png8 image is displayed. Thanks, brusch!

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Asset JPEG Thumbnails only use .jpg as file extension, not .pjpeg or .jpeg

This improvement solves issues with mime detections by object storages such as Amazon S3 and probably also other CDNs and services. There is also no reason to not use the standard file extension at all. The format stays PJPEG just the file-extension changes to .jpg. Thanks, brusch!

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Progress bars for background tasks in the user interface can be stacked

One cool new improvement is the new progress bars, which are no longer modal and blocking you from continuing your work during long-running operations. From now onwards, they are getting stacked in the right bottom corner of the UI, this makes it way easier to keep track of all ongoing background tasks! Thanks, brusch!

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Allow user to set userModification & modificationDate

If you imported data to Pimcore with a script, it was always setting the admin user as the owner of this data and displaying this user in the versioning. This improvement makes it possible to define a user and a custom modification date. The user-id set on an object with setUserModification method is now saved to the objects table in the database when calling save on the object. Thanks, roynilsson (reported), and dvesh3 (fixed)!

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Support for composite indices for data objects

Composite indexes bring great advantages to the performance of database queries. Thanks, weisswurstkanone!

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Versioning performance with a lot of relationships between data

Saving a new version had a serious performance impact when you have a lot of relationships. In some cases, batch editing 25 data objects could take more than 20 seconds to complete. The latest improvements make these operations way faster and improve the performance and speed of saving a new version vastly. Thanks, belendel (reported), kubaplas (helped), dpfaffenbauer (helped), and weisswurstkanone (fixed)!

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[PHPStan] Use new 'generate baseline' option

With the new version 0.12.18 it is easier to generate a new baseline file. Thanks, blankse!

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Avoid deadlocks caused by many concurrent insert/update operations

Pimcore is lightning-fast because performance has always been one of the most important priorities. The latest speed improvements avoid deadlocks caused by many concurrent insert/update operations and significantly accelerates versioning. Thanks, weisswurstkanone!

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Allow HTTP method configuration for Static routes

Static routes are necessary for functionalities where you have the need for dynamic URLs. For example, a product list, which is generated out of a Pimcore object list and you want to give the product a detailed page. Pimcore now allows configurable HTTP methods for Static routes, similar to how Symfony routes do it. Thanks, dpfaffenbauer!

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Author:Christian Kemptner
Christian Kemptner
  • Marketing & Partner Management
142 articles by this author

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