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Multiselect Editable


The Multiselect editable generates a multiselect box component in editmode.


Name Type Description
store array Key/Value pairs for the available options.
width integer Width of a generated block in editmode
height integer Height of a generated block in editmode
class string A CSS class that is added to the surrounding container of this element in editmode


Name Return Description
getData() array Returns array of values chosen in the editmode.
isEmpty() boolean Whether the editable is empty or not


The code below renders multiselectbox in the backend. Also, it shows the list of chosen elements on the frontend.

<?php if($this->editmode): ?>
    <?= $this->multiselect("categories", [
        "width" => 200,
        "height" => 100,
        "store" => [
            ["cars", "Cars"], //the first array element is a key, the second is a label rendered in editmode
            ["motorcycles", "Motorcycles"],
            ["accessories", "Accessories"] 
    ]) ?>
<?php else: ?>
    <p><?= $this->translate("This page is linked to"); ?>:
        <?php foreach($this->multiselect("categories")->getData() as $categoryKey): ?>
                <?= $this->translate($categoryKey); ?>
        <?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>

The editmode preview:

Multiselect editable - editmode

In the frontend you can find simply the text of with categories you have chosen:

Multiselect editable - frontend