Warning: You are browsing the documentation from version 4 to 10 of Pimcore. Please visit https://pimcore.com/docs/platform/ for the latest versions of Pimcore.

Plugin Backend UI


The Pimcore Backend UI is based upon the Ext JS Framework. A plugin can add Ext components to the user interface or execute any other JavaScript required in the plugin context.

All JavaScript and CSS which should be included, needs to be defined in your bundle class, as described in Pimcore Bundles.

These scripts are loaded last upon Pimcore startup. They are loaded in the same order as specified in the bundle class.

Starting point for javascript development is the javascript plugin class (plugin.js). An instance of this class needs to be registered as a plugin at the plugin broker, which notifies all registered plugins upon certain events.

A plugin class must extend pimcore.plugin.admin and can override all methods defined there.

A simple plugin class can look as follows:


pimcore.plugin.sample = Class.create(pimcore.plugin.admin, {
    getClassName: function() {
        return "pimcore.plugin.sample";

    initialize: function() {
    pimcoreReady: function (params,broker){
        // alert("Sample Plugin Ready!");

var samplePlugin = new pimcore.plugin.sample();

JavaScript UI Events

The broker then will notify each plugin upon the events described below. For registering to these events just add a corresponding method to the javascript plugin class.

Name Description
uninstall is called when the corresponding plugin is uninstalled via Pimcore backend UI
pimcoreReady Pimcore backend UI is loaded, viewport is passed as parameter
preOpenAsset before asset is opened, asset and type are passed as parameters
postOpenAsset after asset is opened, asset and type are passed as parameters
preSaveAsset before asset is saved, asset id is passed as parameter
postSaveAsset after asset is saved, asset id is passed as parameter
preOpenDocument before document is opened, document and type are passed as parameters
postOpenDocument after document is opened, document and type are passed as parameters
preSaveDocument before document is saved, document, type, task and onlySaveVersion are passed as parameters
postSaveDocument after document is saved, document, type, task and onlySaveVersion are passed as parameters
postAddDocumentTree after the decument is successfully created in the tree, document id is passed as parameter
preOpenObject before object is opened, object and type are passed as parameters
postOpenObject after object is opened, object and type are passed as parameters
preSaveObject before object is saved, object and type are passed as parameters
postSaveObject after object is saved, object is passed as parameter
postAddObjectTree after the object is successfully created in the tree, object id is passed as parameter
prepareAssetTreeContextMenu before context menu is opened, menu, tree class and asset record are passed as parameters
prepareObjectTreeContextMenu before context menu is opened, menu, tree class and object record are passed as parameters
prepareDocumentTreeContextMenu before context menu is opened, menu, tree and document record are passed as parameters
prepareClassLayoutContextMenu before context menu is opened, allowedTypes array is passed as parameters
prepareOnRowContextmenu before context menu is opened object folder grid, menu, folder class and object record are passed as parameters

Uninstall is called after plugin has been uninstalled - this hook can be used to remove plugin features from the UI after uninstall.

Note: In order to be notified upon uninstall, a plugin must override the getClassName method of pimcore.plugin.admin and return its own class name.

Validate Pimcore Object's Data in frontend before saving

It is possible to validate Pimcore Object's Data in frontend and cancel the saving if needed.

This can be done by throwing any of the following two exceptions and passing in the message to be displayed for the user:


The only difference between above exceptions is in how the error message is displayed:

  • ValidationException displays error alert (the same as ValidationException coming from the backend)

    Validation Exception

  • ActionCancelledException displays instead just a non intrusive notification in the bottom right corner.

    Action Cancelled Exception

Code example in startup.js:


pimcore.plugin.MyTestBundle = Class.create(pimcore.plugin.admin, {
    getClassName: function () {
        return "pimcore.plugin.MyTestBundle";

    initialize: function () {

    preSaveObject: function (object, type) {
        var userAnswer = confirm("Are you sure you want to save " + object.data.general.o_className + "?");
        if (!userAnswer) {
            throw new pimcore.error.ActionCancelledException('Cancelled by user');

var MyTestBundlePlugin = new pimcore.plugin.MyTestBundle();

I18n texts for plugins

Pimcore supports i18n for plugin UI extensions. Fist see the i18n section for bundles how to prepare the data server-side.

Once this is done, translations can be accessed anywhere in the plugin's javascript by calling


Adding Custom Main Navigation Items

It is possible to add leftside main navigation via plugins. See the following example to know how:

pimcore.plugin.menusample = Class.create(pimcore.plugin.admin, {
    getClassName: function () {
        return "pimcore.plugin.menusample";
    initialize: function () {
        this.navEl = Ext.get('pimcore_menu_search').insertSibling('<li id="pimcore_menu_mds" data-menu-tooltip="mds Erweiterungen" class="pimcore_menu_item pimcore_menu_needs_children">mds Erweiterungen</li>', 'after');
        this.menu = new Ext.menu.Menu({
            items: [{
                text: "Item 1",
                iconCls: "pimcore_icon_apply",
                handler: function () {
                    alert("pressed 1");
            }, {
                text: "Item 2",
                iconCls: "pimcore_icon_delete",
                handler: function () {
                    alert("pressed 2");
            cls: "pimcore_navigation_flyout"
        pimcore.layout.toolbar.prototype.mdsMenu = this.menu;
    pimcoreReady: function (params, broker) {
        var toolbar = pimcore.globalmanager.get("layout_toolbar");
        this.navEl.on("mousedown", toolbar.showSubMenu.bind(toolbar.mdsMenu));
        pimcore.plugin.broker.fireEvent("mdsMenuReady", toolbar.mdsMenu);
var menusamplePlugin = new pimcore.plugin.menusample();

Installing and Uninstalling Plugin UI Components

Plugin UI components might need to be activated/loaded after the plugin is installed in the Pimcore backend UI.

As plugin JavaScript and CSS files are only available in the browser after installation and reloading of the UI, the backend plugin can return a flag that UI reload is required. If this flag is set to true, the UI asks the user to reload after install. After that, all plugin components should be available.

With uninstall, it is not absolutely necessary to reload just to deactivate plugin components. The plugin is notified through the uninstall event (provided that it implements the getClassName() method correctly). In the uninstall function the plugin can hide/deactivate everything in the frontend UI that will not work anymore after uninstalling the plugin.