Pimcore comes with a standard navigation implementation in the form of a templating helper ($this->navigation()
It builds a navigation container based on the existing document structure. The process of rendering is divided into 2 steps:
- Build the navigation:
$nav = $this->navigation()->buildNavigation($activeDocument, $navigationRootDocument)
- Render the navigation:
The building step does not necessarily need to happen in the view script. In fact the view helper just forwards the
call to thePimcore\Navigation\Builder
service. You can also build the navigation in your controller or a service and pass the navigation object to the view.
Only documents are included in this structure, Folders are ignored, regardless of their navigation properties.
// get root node if there is no document defined (for pages which are routed directly through static route)
$document = $this->document;
if(!$document instanceof \Pimcore\Model\Document\Page) {
$document = \Pimcore\Model\Document\Page::getById(1);
// get the document which should be used to start in navigation | default home
$mainNavStartNode = $this->document->getProperty("navigationRoot");
if(!$mainNavStartNode instanceof \Pimcore\Model\Document\Page) {
$mainNavStartNode = \Pimcore\Model\Document\Page::getById(1);
// this returns us the navigation container we can use to render the navigation
$mainNavigation = $this->navigation()->buildNavigation($document, $mainNavStartNode);
// later you can render the navigation
echo $this->navigation()->render($mainNavigation);
{# get root node if there is no document defined (for pages which are routed directly through static route) #}
{% if not document is defined or not document %}
{% set document = pimcore_document(1) %}
{% endif %}
{# get the document which should be used to start in navigation | default home #}
{% set navStartNode = document.getProperty('navigationRoot') %}
{% if not navStartNode is instanceof('\\Pimcore\\Model\\Document\\Page') %}
{% set navStartNode = pimcore_document(1) %}
{% endif %}
{% set mainNavigation = pimcore_build_nav(document, navStartNode) %}
{# later you can render the navigation #}
{{ pimcore_render_nav(mainNavigation) }}
Having set up the navigation container as shown above, you can easily use it to render a navigation tree, menus, or breadcrumbs.
Meta Navigation - Only the 1st Level
<div class="my-menu">
// $this->navigation()->menu() is a shortcut to $this->navigation()->getRenderer('menu')
echo $this->navigation()->menu()->renderMenu($mainNavigation, [
'maxDepth' => 1,
'ulClass' => 'nav navbar-nav'
// alternatively, you can use the render function to use the given renderer and render method
$this->navigation()->render($mainNavigation, 'menu', 'renderMenu', [
'maxDepth' => 1,
'ulClass' => 'nav navbar-nav'
]); ?>
<div class="my-menu">
{# the menu() shortcut is not available in twig #}
{{ pimcore_render_nav(mainNavigation, 'menu', 'renderMenu', {
maxDepth: 1,
ulClass: 'nav navbar-nav'
}) }}
<div class="my-breadcrumbs">
<a href="/"><?= $this->translate("Home") ?></a>
<?= $this->navigation()->breadcrumbs()->setMinDepth(null)->render($mainNavigation); ?>
Sidebar Navigation
<div class="my-sidebar-menu">
<?= $this->navigation()->menu()->renderMenu($mainNavigation); ?>
Sidebar Navigation with a Different HTML Prefix
<div class="my-sidebar-menu">
$sideNav = $this->navigation()->buildNavigation($this->document, $navStartNode, 'my-nav-');
echo $this->navigation()->menu()->renderMenu($sideNav, [
'ulClass' => 'nav my-sidenav',
'expandSiblingNodesOfActiveBranch' => true
The renderMenu() method renders the menu to the deepest available level. Levels trees which are not within the active tree, and levels below the latest active page must be hidden using CSS.
The example CSS below shows how to do that (includes 3 Levels):
#navigation ul li ul {
#navigation ul ul {
#navigation ul ul li ul {
#navigation ul ul ul {
#navigation ul ul ul li ul {
#navigation ul ul ul ul{
Setting a Document's Navigation Property
Pages and links have Navigation Settings in their system properties as shown in the screen above. These navigation settings include the following properties:
- Name: Document's name used in the navigation (label).
- Title: Document's title used in the navigation - the HTML Attribute title.
Target: Link target (
) - Exclude from Navigation: Property to quickly exclude a page from the navigation.
In your view template you can use:
- Class: HTML class of the navigation element
- Anchor: Anchor appended to the document's URL
- Parameters: Parameters appended to the document's URL
- Relation: Only available in custom navigation script. Supposedly the HTML rel attribute to open the link in a sort of Lightbox / Clearbox
- Accesskey: Only available in custom navigation script
- Tab-Index: Only available in custom navigation script
Individual (Partial) Navigation View Script
If the standard HTML output of the render() method is not suitable for a project, there is the possibility to provide a custom script for the menu HTML.
For example, inside your view:
/** @var \Pimcore\Navigation\Renderer\Menu $menuRenderer */
$menuRenderer = $this->navigation()->menu();
// either use the renderPartial method to use a partial once
echo $menuRenderer->renderPartial($mainNavigation, 'Includes/navigation.html.php');
// or set the partial on the renderer (will be valid for all subsequent render calls)
echo $menuRenderer->render($mainNavigation);
<?php foreach($this->pages as $page): ?>
<div class="my-menu-element">
<?= $this->navigation()->menu()->htmlify($page); ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
Using the Navigation Helper with Sites.
For example:
$navStartNode = $this->document->getProperty("navigationRoot");
if(!$navStartNode instanceof Document\Page) {
if(Site::isSiteRequest()) {
$site = Site::getCurrentSite();
$navStartNode = $site->getRootDocument();
} else {
$navStartNode = Document::getById(1);
$navigation = $this->navigation()->buildNavigation($this->document, $navStartNode);
echo $this->navigation()->menu()->renderMenu($navigation, [
"maxDepth" => 1,
"ulClass" => "nav navbar-nav"
Using Partials Generating a Customized Navigation
For example, generate bootstrap 3.0 style navigation:
$navStartNode = $this->document->getProperty("navigationRoot");
if(!$navStartNode instanceof Document\Page) {
if(Site::isSiteRequest()) {
$site = Site::getCurrentSite();
$navStartNode = $site->getRootDocument();
} else {
$navStartNode = Document::getById(1);
$mainNavigation = $this->navigation()->buildNavigation($this->document, $navStartNode);
/** @var \Pimcore\Navigation\Renderer\Menu $menuRenderer */
$menuRenderer = $this->navigation()->menu();
<nav class="navbar-inverse navbar-static-top" role="navigation">
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="navbar-header">
<button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#bs-navbar-collapse-1">
<span class="icon-bar"></span>
<span class="icon-bar"></span>
<span class="icon-bar"></span>
<div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="bs-navbar-collapse-1">
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<?php foreach ($mainNavigation as $page) { ?>
<?php /* @var $page \Pimcore\Navigation\Page\Document */ ?>
<?php // here need to manually check for ACL conditions ?>
<?php if (!$page->isVisible() || !$menuRenderer->accept($page)) { continue; } ?>
<?php $hasChildren = $page->hasPages(); ?>
<?php if (!$hasChildren) { ?>
<a href="<?= $page->getHref() ?>">
<?= $this->translate($page->getLabel()) ?>
<?php } else { ?>
<li class="dropdown">
<a href="<?= $page->getHref(); ?>"><?= $this->translate($page->getLabel()) ?></a>
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
<?php foreach ($page->getPages() as $child) { ?>
<?php if(!$child->isVisible() || !$menuRenderer->accept($child)) { continue; } ?>
<a href="<?= $child->getHref() ?>">
<?= $this->translate($child->getLabel()) ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
Adding Custom Items to the Navigation
In the following example we're adding news items (objects) to the navigation using the callback.
$navigation = $this->navigation()->buildNavigation($this->document, $navStartNode, null, function($page, $document) {
/** @var $document \Pimcore\Model\Document */
/** @var \Pimcore\Navigation\Page\Document $page */
if($document->getProperty("templateType") == "news") {
$list = new \Pimcore\Model\DataObject\News\Listing;
foreach($list as $news) {
$detailLink = $this->url([
"id" => $news->getId(),
"text" => $news->getTitle(),
"prefix" => $this->document->getFullPath()
], "news", true);
$uri = new Pimcore\Navigation\Page\Document([
"label" => $news->getTitle(),
"id" => "object-" . $news->getId(),
"uri" => $detailLink
<div class="my-navigation">
<?= $this->navigation()->menu()->renderMenu($navigation, [
'ulClass' => 'nav my-sidenav',
'expandSiblingNodesOfActiveBranch' => true
]); ?>
Caching / High-Performance Navigation
The navigation tree / container (\Pimcore\Navigation\Container
) is automatically cached by pimcore and improves
significantly the performance of the navigation.
To benefit from the cache it's absolutely necessary to don't use Pimcore\Model\Document
objects directly in the
navigation templates / partial scripts, because this would result in loading all the documents again in the navigation and
bypasses the caching mechanism of the navigation container.
But sometimes it's necessary to get some properties or other data out of the documents in the navigation to build the navigation as it should be. For that we've introduced a new parameter for the navigation view helper, which acts as a callback and allows to map custom data onto the navigation page item.
$mainNavigation = $this->navigation()->buildNavigation($this->document, $mainNavStartNode, null, function ($page, $document) {
$page->setCustomSetting("myCustomProperty", $document->getProperty("myCustomProperty"));
$page->setCustomSetting("subListClass", $document->getProperty("subListClass"));
$page->setCustomSetting("title", $document->getTitle());
$page->setCustomSetting("headline", $document->getElement("headline")->getData());
echo $this->navigation()->menu()->render($mainNavigation);
Later in the template of the navigation (Navigation/partials/navigation.html.php
) you can use the mapped data directly on the page item object.
<?php foreach( $this->pages as $page ){ ?>
<?php if($page->isVisible()){ ?>
<li class="<?php if( $page->getActive(true) ){ ?>active<?php } ?>">
<a href="<?= $page->getUri() ?>" target="<?= $page->getTarget() ?>"><?= $page->getLabel() ?></a>
<ul class="<?= $page->getCustomSetting("subListClass") ?>" role="menu">
<?= $this->template("Navigation/partials/partials/main.html.php", [ "pages" => $page->getPages() ] ); ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
Using this method will dramatically improve the performance of your navigation.
Dynamic Key for the Navigation Cache
Sometimes it's necessary to manually set the key for the navigation cache.
$this->navigation()->buildNavigation($this->document, $mainNavStartNode, null, null, "yourindividualkey");
Disabling the Navigation Cache
You can disable the navigation cache by setting the 5th argument to false
$this->navigation()->buildNavigation($this->document, $mainNavStartNode, null, null, false);
A document does not show up in the navigation. Why?
Please make sure that the documents and its parent documents are published and that the document it self as well as all it's parents have a navigation name set.
Neither the document itself nor one of it's parent documents may have activated Exclude From Navigation in their properties. (Document properties -> System properties
Why is the navigation not appearing?
See the above question. If none of the documents have a navigation title set the render function will simply return nothing.
Why is the homepage not appearing in the navigation?
The homepage will not appear in the navigation by default. You can add the homepage (and any other page) manually:
'order' => -1, // put it in front of all the others
'uri' => '/', //path to homepage
'label' => 'home', //visible label
'title' => 'Homepage' //tooltip text
If you retrieve the home document (which always has the ID 1) you can also retrieve its navigation properties so that they can be edited from the Pimcore admin interface like all the other documents.
$home = Document::getById(1);
'order' => -1, // put it in front of all the others
'uri' => '/', //path to homepage
'label' => $home->getProperty('navigation_name'), //visible label
'title' => $home->getProperty('navigation_title'), //tooltip text
'active' => $this->document->id == $home->id //active state (boolean)