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Custom Icons for Objects

Pimcore allows to define custom icons for objects. Either, icons can be the same for all objects of a class (via configuration in class) or objects depending on their data values can have different icons (via admin style in code). In addition to that, the tooltip of an object in object tree can be customized via admin style.

Custom Icons for Classes

Objects can be displayed in Pimcore with custom icons. This makes objects distinguish themselves visually based on the class they are based on. In the object tree the user can see on the first sight what an object should represent. The example below shows how custom icons are assigned to a class and how they are displayed in the object tree. It is easy for the user to see immediately which objects are of the type "football".

Class Icons

Icons that come along with Pimcore by default can be found in <YOUR-DOMAN>/admin/misc/icon-list (backend session needed).

Icon Sizes

As icons SVG graphics are recommended. If you use pixel graphics, maximum size is 18x20 pixels.

Custom Icons and Style in Object-Tree

It is possible to define custom icons and styles for objects in the object tree. In order to do so, overwrite the method getElementAdminStyle of AbstractObject by extending the Pimcore default class and return your own implementation of Element_AdminStyle.

Possible Properties to define:

  • Element CSS class
  • Element icon
  • Element icon class
Extend the Object Class and Overwrite getElementAdminStyle():
public function getElementAdminStyle() {
   if (!$this->o_elementAdminStyle) {
      $this->o_elementAdminStyle = new AppBundle\Admin\AdminStyle($this);
return $this->o_elementAdminStyle;
Custom Implementation of AppBundle\Admin\AdminStyle

namespace AppBundle\Admin;

class AdminStyle extends \Pimcore\Model\Element\AdminStyle {
    public function __construct($element) {
        if($element instanceof \Pimcore\Model\DataObject\Product) {
            if($element->getProductType() == "concrete") {
                $this->elementIcon = '/bundles/pimcoreadmin/img/icon/tag_green.png';
                $this->elementIconClass = null;
            } else if($element->getProductType() == "family") {
                $this->elementIcon = '/bundles/pimcoreadmin/img/icon/tag_yellow.png';
                $this->elementIconClass = null;
            } else if($element->getProductType() == "virtual") {
                $this->elementIcon = '/bundles/pimcoreadmin/img/icon/tag_blue.png';
                $this->elementIconClass = null;
Example Result

Class Icons

Custom Tooltips (ExtJS 6 only)

It is possible to define custom tooltips which are shown while hovering over the object tree. Class Icons

The procedure is the same as for the icons. Code sample:

public function getElementQtipConfig() {
    if ($this->element instanceof \Pimcore\Model\DataObject\News) {
        $thumbnail = $this->element->getImage_1()->getThumbnail("exampleResize");
        return [
            "title" => "ID: " . $this->element->getId() . " - " . $this->element->getDate(),
            "text" => '<h1>' . $this->element->getTitle() . '</h1>'
                . '<p><img src="' . $thumbnail . '" width="150" height="150"/></p> ' . $this->element->getShortText()
    return parent::getElementQtipConfig();