Case Study: Pimcore PIM, DAM & Headless CMS for Camina & Schmid
As a family business, Camina & Schmid produces system fireplaces, heating and fireplace inserts for tiled stoves and fireplaces of the highest quality in Bissendorf near Osnabrück and Rathenow.
At Camina & Schmid, Pimcore was to be introduced as a central system for managing and maintaining product data and digital assets. In addition, the company's web presence was to be modernized by relaunching the website. Camina & Schmid placed particular emphasis on performance and user-friendliness. Therefore, the website was to be implemented as a Single Page Application (SPA).
Customer Details
Customer Key Facts
Complex product data, decentralized data management & different channels
Pimcore PIM, DAM & Headless CMS for Camina & Schmid
In order to centralize and standardize data management for both product data and digital assets such as images and graphics, the data management platform Pimcore was introduced in the Enterprise Edition. The PIM system was connected to SAP and Adobe InDesign via Easycatalog. Workflows for product data maintenance were also provided and correction and approval processes integrated. As part of the relaunch, Camina & Schmid's website was modernized and implemented as a Single Page Application (SPA). With this headless solution, only one HTML document is loaded and executed on the client side. When using the website, a new page does not have to be loaded each time, but only the content or data that is needed is reloaded. In the front end - the presentation logic - was implemented as a custom development based on the Vue.js framework. The data to be displayed on the website is transferred from the Pimcore system via a programming interface (API). The enterprise extension Headless Documents is used for this purpose. The website impresses with very short loading times and offers an outstanding user experience, similar to a mobile app. Thanks to the headless approach, the frontend application and the Pimcore backend are separated from each other and only communicate via the API. This means that the frontend and backend can be developed independently of each other without influencing each other. In addition, this architecture supports the best-of-breed principle and thus offers Camina & Schmid the option of flexibly expanding the system or, for example, connecting a different frontend in the future without having to revise the backend at the same time.