Case Study: Novaturas - Impression #1

Case Study: Enhancing Travel Experience with Pimcore at Novaturas Group

Novaturas Group is a major travel industry player operating across the Baltics with an extensive portfolio of 9,000+ hotels in 30+ global destinations.

As the company aspired to boost market share, enhance conversion rates, and reshape the travel landscape, it was met with a distinct challenge. The ever-changing nature of its travel products, where deals could appear and disappear within minutes, created obstacles in maintaining consistent inventory and pricing information. Nevertheless, Novaturas effectively realized its goals by embracing innovative solutions and seamlessly integrating Pimcore into its operations.

Logo: Novaturas
Logo: scandiweb
Pimcore Platinum Partner
  • Novaturas
Solution Partner
Products Used
Visit website

Customer Key Facts

9 000

Navigating data and dynamic challenges

The project faced a notable challenge due to the sheer scale of data management. It involved a staggering 7.7 million data objects and an inventory of over 63,000 asset objects. Effectively managing and utilizing this extensive amount of data and assets underscored the project's complexity, highlighting the need for a robust and efficient platform like Pimcore to handle this considerable volume effectively. Moreover, trip deals could appear and disappear very quickly. Rapidly changing travel offers required an innovative, adaptable tech framework. Efficiently managing the dynamic array of travel products was a significant challenge. Traditional inventory systems fell short, necessitating real-time updates and seamless inventory integration. This highlighted the need for an agile, responsive approach, ensuring optimal performance in this dynamic market.

Optimizing travel offer management through Pimcore

scandiweb recognized that the project required an innovative, adaptable framework. To tackle the variable nature of the products offered, Pimcore was used as a middleware. Pimcore served as a bridge between the client's database and Elasticsearch, retrieving continuously changing data from Elasticsearch and merging it with steady data from the database. The merged data was then made available through an API accessible to any agency. This innovative approach guaranteed users would consistently have access to the most up-to-date travel offers, boosting the platform's efficiency and precision.

Streamlined operations and enhanced customer experience

The incorporation of Pimcore marked a pivotal moment for Novaturas Group. Serving as an efficient data connector, Pimcore enabled effortless access to the latest travel offers for more than 400 travel agencies. Instantaneous data synchronization guaranteed precise and prompt updates on product specifics, pricing, and availability for users, elevating the platform's efficiency and enhancing user satisfaction. Now digitized within Pimcore, the product enrichment workflows were streamlined, improving both operations and scalability. Additionally, tailoring content types within Pimcore to cater to various travel stages enriched the user experience, addressing diverse travel needs. Pimcore's successful integration not only addressed the project's unique challenges but also set a positive example, enhancing travel management and presentation practices.

Key Results

Time saved in data maintenance
63 000
Media Assets
Data Objects

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