Case Study: AH-Trading - Real-time transfer and data maintenance made easy
The e-commerce company AH-Trading GmbH operates &, two of the most renowned online stores for garden and outdoor inventory in Germany.
AH-Trading had previously used OXID as its shop software solution. Here, the product data was also completely withheld and maintained. The digital agency NETFORMIC should now replace OXID and at the same time be extended by a PIM system. In parallel, another Shopware store and a new ERP system were to be implemented.
Customer Details
Customer Key Facts
Distributed data maintenance and missing work processes - Pimcore was the solution
The product data was previously withheld in the OXID store system, and there was no PIM system. The first challenge was therefore to transfer the product data from OXID to Pimcore. Both the quantity and the different characteristics of the very heterogeneous products had to be taken into of the very heterogeneous products. To enable the import of data from the ERP, the Brickfox export and the store, NETFORMIC developed individual interfaces.
Automated categorization and individual interfaces
NETFORMIC developed an automated categorization of the products for the customer by merging product groups and product type (like B-goods etc.). Thus, all items automatically run into one category without having to adjust it manually. Furthermore, objectbricks were used, which are output based on product groups and type. This ensures that only relevant attributes are displayed on the product itself. To enable real-time transfer of data from the ERP to the store, NETFORMIC developed automated custom interfaces. And to avoid having to update each product individually, placeholders were used. This way, the central maintenance of text snippets could be ensured.
Real-time transmission thanks to 300 updates per day
The result is impressive: Up to 300 updates of over 20,000 articles are now transmitted from Pimcore to the store every day. A considerable update volume that AH-Trading can now manage here. In addition, the management of the data is now fully automated. Perfect conditions for a continued successful path into the future.