Case Study: Those who go into the future with ask! are accompanied by Pimcore
The ask! is a competence and service center. People from 14 to 65 years of age as well as organizations can make uncomplicated use of the counseling services.
The user experience of the individual target groups was to be greatly improved on the new website. The previous website was technically no longer up to date and had reached the end of its life due to constant extensions. For this reason, the possibility of further development and the constant updating of the website were on the list of requirements.
Customer Details
Customer Key Facts
Locations 94
Employees 1
Countries Challenge
Eleven different target groups now find what they are looking for
Probably the biggest challenge was the division into eleven different target groups with specific needs. And not only in terms of content, but also in terms of the weighting of the image and text elements. And despite the different starting points, the new web platform had to be as user-friendly as possible. The motto was to reach the goal with as few clicks as possible. In addition to other functions such as a login and download area, the customer wanted above all a flexible system that would simplify content maintenance despite the personalization functions.
"Pimcore allows us to capture content easily and quickly. The user interface is intuitively designed, which made it easier for us to learn the new CMS. The target group filter function, the protected area and the downloads help our customers and partners to get their information efficiently."
Andrina Sarott, Communication Specialist
Modern, secure and personalized
Together with our design partner, the agency Frontal AG from Willisau, which had already designed and implemented the previous website of ask! a new design concept was created. For the personalization of the target group specific pages, the integrated Customer Management Framework (CMF) of Pimcore was used. And the newsletter was also built on this basis in a modular and personalizable way. Depending on the communication goal, the customer can send its content to the desired target group across all media thanks to this solution. The protected download area was implemented using Dachcom's Members Bundle. To ensure that these files are not indexed and can be found by non-authorized users via search, we configured Dachcom's DynamicSearch accordingly.
"Thanks to the extensive possibilities offered by Pimcore, the partner bundles and a very committed customer, we were able to master the challenging initial situation. The client quickly got to grips with Pimcore's backend and had the content integrated on the website in no time at all. "
Camille Peter, Project Leader
I am ... and I am interested in ...
After the successfully completed training, the content could be entered by the customer independently. And after a first version of the website was technically completed, usability tests were carried out, which again brought new insights into the actual use of the site. The website was then optimized according to user feedback and in terms of wording, user experience and page structure. Thus, towards the end of January this year, the client was able to present its various target groups with a new, user-friendly and personalized website with a fresh look.
Key Results
Documents 7 386
Data Objects