Case Study: Website Relaunch for Kind im Zentrum
Kind im Zentrum combines the Orthopedic Children's Hospital in Aschau and a differentiated educational, medical-therapeutic and curative education support program for children, adolescents and young adults with physical, mental and multiple disabilities in the curative education centers in Aschau, Piding and Ruhpolding.
We developed a new website, using Pimcore solutions, that includes all locations, institutions as well as faculties and treatment offers, while providing a well structured, appealing and modern look and feel, which meets the current web standards.
Customer Details
Customer Key Facts
Locations, institutions, faculties and many employees - united under the same roof
Clear structure with data objects, while keeping the interface userfriendly
We used data objects to structure locations, faculties, job offers and employees. That way we can link employees and job offers directly to locations and faculties, faculties directly to locations and such create a logical, hierarchical order for the stored information, which leads to well structured Templates.