Case Study: User Friendly and Accessible eCommerce Platform for Gift Card Company
De Nationale Bioscoopbon is the most famous gift card in the Netherlands. With this gift card, one can visit the cinema to watch a movie. Pimcore enabled them to create an eCommerce platform that is user-friendly and accessible.
We worked on the following: an outdated website with lots of information but not very customer oriented. Order management was performed in different systems, with possible conflicts arising in between. A checkout flow with limited options. The brand was not strongly communicated through the website.
Pimcore Solution
After completing the project the look and feel of the website are renewed and now has a more functional and personal appearance. The order flow of buying a product has become very easy, simple and you have the option to personalize your order. For example, during the buying process, the customer can choose whether he/she wants a physical or digital product, the value and amount of products and the design of the product. You can add a personal image, text and even record a video on a mobile phone to add to the product. The whole order management process is controlled and directed by Pimcore. Besides the De Nationale Bioscoopbon, there are 2 other cards with similar website and order management process which run on this platform: De Platenbon (for music records) and De Nationale Entertainment Card (for general entertainment expenses). Also, a digital webpage is created which customers can personalize for the receiver of the gift card with text, photos, and videos.
Positive business outcomes
The Products that are purchased online are automatically placed in the system of De Nationale Bioscoopbon and ready for use. The entire buying process is controlled by the website. In the end, the website has a higher conversion rate because a lot of things have been simplified for the customer. Also, the new design has made the platform and the brand “de Nationale Bioscoopbon” more attractive and stronger.
How we did it?
We made a Multi-site setup in Pimcore for the different gift card platforms. We used the e-commerce framework components and extended those to provide the configurable gift card order process. With “de Nationale Bioscoopbon” we made use of AWS services to store and process personalized videos. We also made use of Pimcore API to connect website platform to client’s gift card platform.
Customer Details
- De Nationale Bioscoop