Case Study: Digital Relaunch with Pimcore for Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences
Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences is a state university founded in 1975. Around 3 000 students from over 40 nations are currently studying in 25 bachelor's and master's degree programs.
Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences is on a steady expansion course: By 2025, the number of students is expected to grow from the current level of approximately 3 000 to around 3 700. This growth strategy is being driven forward by an expansion of the range of courses on offer and a completely redesigned corporate identity. This is the basis for a new digital start and the relaunch of the website on a Pimcore basis.
Customer Details
Customer Key Facts
Study Programs 3 000
Students 18
Institutes Challenge
Structuring complex content effectively for heterogeneous user groups
No matter if study programs, research projects, contact persons, institutes or scientific publications: The challenge in this project was to create a technical solution that enables large amounts of different contents to be structured and managed effectively and meaningfully. In addition, editorial work should be possible for a decentralized team of editors, so that departments or research projects can edit and publish information on their own.
"I'm excited that with Pimcore we can give our employees a tool that they can use to edit independently."
Prof. Dr. Dr. Alexis Papathanassis, Rector Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences
Pimcore as a pillar of a growth strategy
In planning the project, Pimcore quickly proved to be the optimal platform to meet the challenges and requirements. The key factors in this decision were a user-friendly backend and Pimcore's wide-ranging system of roles and rights, which allows around 150 editors to edit only the data objects, assets and pages (documents) that have been approved for them. A CMS construction kit was implemented for the editorial work, which can be filled with content from centrally maintained data objects via drag & drop. All employees thus have the opportunity to contribute to the brand awareness and growth of the university.
A platform for decentralized CMS maintenance
With Pimcore, the basis for independent and efficient content maintenance was created for Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences. The well-structured backend allows employees to independently maintain content within the framework of the role and rights model and thus motivates them to work independently on the new website.
Key Results
Documents 1 700
Media Assets 20
Data Objects