Case Study: Verbund Oberösterreichischer Museen forum oö geschichte - Impression #1

Case Study: Forum Upper Austria History – present complex data in an attractive and user-friendly manner

The Association of Upper Austrian Museums runs the Upper Austrian History Forum to present the Upper Austrian regional history and provide knowledge on Upper Austria's cultural history.

The "Forum Upper Austria History" is an important online portal dedicated to researching and presenting the history of Upper Austria. The site hosts a diverse range of content, from academic articles to multimedia resources, and is an important resource for researchers, students and the general public.

Logo: Verbund Oberösterreichischer Museen forum oö geschichte
Logo: Siwa
Pimcore Gold Partner
  • Verbund Oberösterreichischer Museen forum oö geschichte
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Customer Key Facts


The art of data mapping: Challenges with large and complex structured data

The original web project was implemented with the content management system TYPO3. Although this system is powerful in many contexts, it was found to have difficulty efficiently managing the forum's large and complexly structured data. This led to performance issues and made content maintenance much more difficult. Not only was there technical debt from the old system, but also challenges in updating and maintaining the extensive data base.


Our answer to the challenges of large and complex amounts of data

To overcome these challenges, it was decided to replace TYPO3 with Pimcore. Pimcore is known for its high performance in managing large amounts of data and complex data structures. After a careful migration phase in which the existing data was transferred from the old TYPO3 system to the new Pimcore system, the Upper Austria History Forum was able to benefit from the versatile functions of Pimcore. The new system now enables much more structured and efficient data maintenance.
Case Study: Michael, Developer, Siwa
"The challenge was to migrate and modernize the existing Forum Upper Austria History website, including the integration of various knowledge databases. Our goal was to create an excellent user experience on the front end for all visitors. Through innovative methods, close collaboration and our expertise We achieved a great result that makes us proud."
Michael, Developer, Siwa

Transformation through Pimcore: A new era for website performance and user experience

The migration to Pimcore has fundamentally changed the website. The performance issues that previously impacted the user experience are a thing of the past. Content maintainability has improved dramatically and the technical debt of the previous system has been eliminated. The data is now stored in a much more structured form, which not only makes internal management easier but also improves the user experience. The new development ensured the long-term sustainability of the project.

Key Results

2 599
29 067
Media Assets
154 945
Data Objects

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