Introduction to Pimcore's Enterprise Marketplace

With the new Pimcore Enterprise Marketplace, subscribers to the Pimcore Enterprise Subscription now have access to additional Enterprise Extensions provided by our partners. In this blog article, you will learn about the benefits of being a Pimcore Enterprise Marketplace partner, the listing requirements, and how to proceed if you want to offer an Enterprise Extension.
Introduction to Pimcore's Enterprise Marketplace - Impression #1

What is the Pimcore Enterprise Marketplace?

It's a marketplace for commercial Pimcore extensions of the commercial Pimcore Enterprise Subscription. Customers can only purchase an Enterprise Extension if they are also a subscriber of an Enterprise Subscription.

What is a Pimcore Enterprise Extension?

An Enterprise Extension is a software tailored to the application with Pimcore Enterprise Subscription but is not developed and licensed by Pimcore itself but by a partner. This partner thus acts as licensor and contact person for the user.

Explore existing extensions

Benefits for solution partners and agencies:

  • Secure the Intellectual Property of your existing Pimcore extensions using the Pimcore Commercial License instead of the GPLv3 License.
  • Secure additional revenue from the sale of your extensions through Pimcore as a second mainstay, alongside your current income from your services business around Pimcore.
  • Ensure easy knowledge transfer through the ability to create Pimcore Academy courses for your extension.

Benefits for technology partners and software vendors:

  • Gain additional visibility for your Pimcore solution to over 100 000 existing Pimcore customers worldwide.
  • Receive comprehensive technical support from our Core team when integrating your solution with Pimcore.
  • Leverage the enterprise features of Pimcore Data Hub for faster integration.

What are the requirements?

Pimcore puts a lot of emphasis on the quality and functionality of the offered Enterprise Extensions. To be able to guarantee this, the following requirements must be met:

  • Creating relevant added value for the user.
  • Technical and legal compatibility with Pimcore Commercial License. 
  • Continuous adjustments to technical innovations and new versions of the Pimcore platform.
  • Timely corrective action.
  • Support of at least the previous three current minor versions of Pimcore.
  • Existence of all rights for licensing software to third parties.

I have an extension that I would like to put up for sale on the Pimcore Enterprise Marketplace. What is the process for this?

In the first step, please check whether you meet the required conditions. You can find them in detail in the PEM Agreement. In the next step, please contact Pimcore and briefly describe how your solution works. A Pimcore team member will then contact you and arrange an appointment for a detailed product presentation. Pimcore will then verify that the solution offered meets all the requirements. As soon as the agreement has been signed, the extension will be listed on the Enterprise Marketplace.

Get in Touch 

If you want to follow along or help out, check out our blog section on a regular basis. You can also follow the development in real-time on GitHub.

Author:Antoine Hauger
Antoine Hauger
  • Marketing & Partner Manager
9 articles by this author

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